Session 1
Have You Ever 'Skipped School'?
Have You Ever 'Skipped School'? | Engoo 데일리뉴스
Even the best students pretend they're sick to get out of going to school every once in a while.
- Did you ever skip class when you were a student?
- How would you react if you found out your child was skipping school?
- What subjects do you think you'd enjoy teaching? Why?
- Do you keep in touch with many of your high school friends?
Session 2
Even Short Phone Calls Can Reduce Loneliness
Study: Even Short Phone Calls Can Reduce Loneliness | Engoo 데일리뉴스
Researchers have found that short phone calls a few times a week could reduce feelings of loneliness.
- Do you spend much time talking on the phone?
- Who are your favorite people to talk to? Why do you enjoy talking to them?
- What topics do you find easiest to talk about?
- Who's the most sociable person you know?