Session 1
having met, having lived, having been💡특이하지만 자주 쓰이는 분사구문
1)동영상 강의 학습
I moved to my current place in October last year.
지금 사는 곳으로 작년 10월에 이사했어요.
And I had a lot of initial concerns back then because, well you know, there are certain things about a place that you just can't know for sure until you actually start living there, like neighbors.
당시에 여러 가지 걱정이 앞서더라고요, 알잖아요, 실제로 집에 살기 시작하기 전에는 확실히 알 수 없는 것들이 있잖아요, 이웃들처럼요.
But now, having lived there for almost 6 months, I can pretty confidently say that I'm very satisfied with the place.
하지만 그곳에서 6개월 동안 살아 온 지금은 꽤 자신 있게 말할 수 있을 것 같아요 - 그곳에 아주 만족하고 있다고요.
I started teaching English straight out of school in 2008 and haven't stopped ever since. So, I've been doing this for a fairly long time.
저는 2008년에 학교를 졸업하자 마자 영어를 가르치기 시작한 후로 멈춤 적이 없어요. 그러니까 이 일을 꽤 오래 동안 하고 있는 거죠.
And having met hundreds, if not thousands of students throughout my career, I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of what the students need, what their weaknesses are, and therefore, what I need to do for them.
그리고 경력 전체에 걸쳐 수백, 어쩌면 수천 명의 학생들을 만나 보니, 학생들이 무엇을 필요로 하는지, 무엇에 약한지, 고로 내가 그들을 위해 무엇을 해야 하는지를 어느 정도 잘 파악하고 있는 것 같아요.
A: Have you always used Apple computers?
항상 애플 컴퓨터를 쓰셨나요?
B: No. The first time I used an Apple computer was back in 2011. But ever since then, I've been using Apple computers almost exclusively.
아니오. 애플 컴퓨터를 처음 사용했던 게 2011년이었어요. 근데 그때 이후로는 거의 애플 컴퓨터만 사용해 왔어요.
A: Wow. (Then) You must be very familiar with them.
아와우. (그러면) 엄청 잘 쓰시겠어요.
B: Well, having used them for more than 10 years, yeah, I feel pretty comfortable with them. But you know, they're actually really easy to use. Anyone who uses a smartphone will feel right at home with an Apple computer.
아뭐, 10년 넘게 사용해 왔으니, 그렇죠, 아주 익숙하죠. 근데 사실 쓰기 엄청 쉬워요. 스마트폰을 쓰는 사람이라면 애플 컴퓨터가 아주 익숙하게 느껴질 거예요.
A: Are you sure this is the cheapest hotel?
이게 가장 저렴한 호텔 맞아?
B: Trust me. You won't find anywhere cheaper than that. In fact, most tourists don't even know about that hotel.
믿어도 돼. 거기보다 싼 데는 못 찾을 거야. 거기는 심지어 관광객들도 대부분이 모르는 호텔이야.
A: I guess you would know having been there so many times.
네가 거기에 워낙 많이 가 봤으니까 (잘) 알겠구나.
B: I know that area(part of the country) like my own neighborhood.
거기는 내가 사는 동네처럼 잘 알지.
2)주요문장 복습
아래 핵심 문장을 활용하여 영작 연습하기
- having met:
- having lived:
- having been:
- having met hundreds,
- having lived there for almost 6 months
- I guess you would know having been there so many times.
Session 2
Venice Hotel Guests Given Water Guns to Keep Birds Away
1) 스터디 전, 영어기사 미리 읽어오기
Venice Hotel Guests Given Water Guns to Keep Birds Away | Engoo 데일리뉴스
Guests at some hotels in Venice are being given water guns to help scare away seagulls that annoy tourists and steal their food.
2) 주어진 질문으로 프리토킹
- What are your thoughts on hotels giving water guns to their guests?
- How would you react if a seagull tried to steal your meal at a restaurant?
- Did you often play with water guns as a kid? Why? Why not?
- What would you say was your worst hotel experience?
- Have you been to abroad? If so, what did you enjoy most about your visit?
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