Session 1
영어 표현 1개로 ☝️ " 말을 설득력 있게 잘하다" / "사람을 잘 다루다" 💬 have a way with
1)동영상 강의 학습
A: 와, 그 사람은 어떻게 그렇게 오래동안 안 걸리고 피해 다닌 거야?
How did he manage to avoid getting caught for so long?
B: 교회 목사로 위장하고 있었다는 것 같아. 심지어 예배 때 그가 설교하는 것을 본 사람도 있는 것 같던데.
I heard he had been disguising himself as a pastor at some church. I think there are even some people who have seen him giving sermons during church services.
A: 아니, 어떻게 그러고도 아무 문제가 없었대?
How did he get away with that?
B: 모르지. 근데 듣기로는, (그 사람이) 말을 (설득력 있게) 엄청 잘하고 사람을 잘 다루나 봐. 그 사람에 대해서 얘기를 들어 보면 자신이 하는 얘기를 다 믿게 하는 능력이 있었던 것 같아.
Who knows? But, from what I hear, he really has a way with words and (with) people. The way they talk about him, it sounds like he had a way of making people (just) believe everything he said.
A: 재능이 너무 아깝다.
What a waste of talent.
- Talk about misuse of talent.
B: 그렇지. 안타깝지.
Yeah. It's a real shame.
2)주요문장 복습
1. David은 아이들을 잘 다루는 것 같다.
2. 그녀는 항상 말을 잘 한다.
1. David seems to have a way with children.
2. She’s always had a way with words
Session 2
UK Charity Hiring Team to Run Antarctica Post Office
1) 스터디 전, 영어기사 미리 읽어오기
UK Charity Hiring Team to Run Antarctica Post Office | Engoo 데일리뉴스
영어 학습자를 위한 세계적인 시사 뉴스. 모든 레벨에 대해 매일 업데이트되며, 초급에서 고급까지 제공됩니다!
2) 주어진 질문으로 프리토킹
1. What do you imagine would be the hardest thing about living and working in Antarctica for five months?
2. Would you like to visit Antarctica someday? Why? Why not?
3. What remote parts of the world would you most like to explore? Why?
4. What's the coldest place you've been to? Did you enjoy staying there?
5. Do you think you could enjoy vacationing somewhere without electricity?
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